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Filling Envelopes

Projected Income Around $200-$400/month
Costs to Start $50-$100
Time to Start 1 week
Category Data Entry & Repetetive Tasks,

Our Side Hustles Breakdown

We recommend filling envelopes as a side hustle for those looking for a simple and low-cost way to make some extra money. This task does not require any specialized skills, and the initial investment is quite low. However, the task can be monotonous and time-consuming, so it’s important to consider whether this kind of work suits your personality and schedule.

cons-icon Cons

  • Monotonous Work: Filling envelopes can be repetitive and monotonous, which may not be suitable for everyone.
  • Limited Earning Potential: The earning potential for filling envelopes is relatively low compared to other side hustles.
  • Physical Strain: Continuously filling envelopes can cause physical strain on the hands and back over time.

pros-icon Pros

  • Low Start-Up Costs: The initial investment for filling envelopes is relatively low, making it accessible for most people.
  • No Specialized Skills Required: Anyone can start filling envelopes, as it does not require any specialized skills or training.
  • Flexible Schedule: This side hustle can be done at any time, making it easy to fit into a busy schedule.

Filling envelopes or stuffing envelopes is precisely what it sounds like. Your job and primary task is to fill envelopes with different types of material and send those letters to interested parties.

Many people are looking for side hustles, even if they already have a job. This can be a good opportunity if you’re between jobs or can’t find something that suits your skills in the market for a decent monthly income.

Although this might sound like an effortless job, it can be time-consuming if you already work as an assistant or secretary. This is why many companies prefer to outsource this task, and this is where you can make some money by becoming an in-office or virtual envelope filler.

Your job description involves organizing promotional material like flyers and brochures, filling envelopes with suitable material, sealing envelopes and adding postage stamps or mailing labels, and sending these letters to a list of recipients or taking them to the post office to be mailed.

You can find suitable job opportunities in several industries, like customer service, retail, entertainment, journalism, bookkeeping, accounting, medical and healthcare services, insurance, and tax preparation.

Some employers also require assistants to stuff and mail envelopes during the election season, so you can find a lucrative job opportunity if you’re interested in politics. You can also be responsible for the envelope budgeting method in a small business where you fill and track the usage of cash envelopes.

Sometimes, your job description includes other duties like stacking and tracking cartons, scheduling mailing tasks, and handling customer service inquiries.

How Much Can Filling Envelopes Earn You?

Since no special skills are required to send bulk mailings, you shouldn’t expect to earn much money from stuffing envelopes.

The average hourly wage is around $17, although some employers offer a rate of up to $25. This is when you’re required to do other administrative tasks or handle the duties of a virtual assistant.

Some employers will pay you by piece. You can get paid as little as 10 cents per envelope, which means your salary depends on your speed and organizational skills.

Most direct mail companies charge $1 to do the job of filling and stuffing envelopes. So, when employers consider outsourcing this task, they want to save money.

Getting paid to fill envelopes isn’t always rewarding. So, if you find an ad that announces paying you $2 or more per envelope, this is probably a scam.  

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Side Hustle Filling Envelopes?

If you want to work as a professional who stuffs and fills envelopes independently, you don’t have to spend any money to start this business.

It’s one of the most accessible jobs if you have no capital or experience and will work at the company’s headquarters and use its supplies.

As a freelancer envelope filling employee, you must consider a few costs.

  • Equipment and supplies like a batch of envelopes, staplers, staples, tape, a labeling machine, and other mailing materials. These can cost around $100.
  • If you don’t work from home, you’ll have to rent office space, which may cost up to $1,000.
  • For handling high volumes of work, you’ll have to hire several employees. You should consider their wages and any other benefits you offer them.
  • Marketing costs can be up to $1,000, or you can use social media marketing to save money and reach a bigger audience.
  • You’ll have to get a license or permit to start a business in some locations.
  • You can consider insurance to protect your business operations. The insurance cost depends on the size of your business and its nature.

Where Can You Find Filling Envelopes Gigs?

Filling envelopes might seem easy, but it’s crucial in many industries. It can be one of the most potent ways to build and maintain professional relationships with suppliers, clients, and employees by sending thank you letters or promotional offers.

Although more companies rely on using electronic forms, there’s still something magical and unique about receiving a letter in the mail.

Where to Independently Find Filling Envelopes Work

By checking out the local listings, you can find several job opportunities where you can fill envelopes and send them out. These jobs might be available in local offices that offer tax preparation, legal, insurance, and health care services.

Suppliers can also mail bills and invoices to verify their financial information. Some small businesses will seek assistance with the envelope budgeting method to track their spending after specifying spending categories. They can also require your efforts to send out mortgage payments.

During the local election season, some local offices will announce the need for helpers to fill and send out envelopes. This will also give you a chance to work closely with some of the local politicians.

Companies might hire you to send out thank you letters to celebrate employees’ personal milestones. In this case, you can work from home after getting some paper envelopes and sending them as instructed.

You can find a job as a mailroom clerk or office administrative assistant where you can learn more about task-related industries when you’re working during the holiday season or the tax-filing season. In this case, you’ll also receive work mail and distribute it across the company, guaranteeing that each letter reaches the right destination.

Gig Economy Companies That Offer Filling Envelopes Work

Gig economy companies link you with employers who are looking for the services you offer. You can try several platforms and online websites to look for part-time filling envelopes jobs that don’t require special skills.

Indeed is one of the biggest job marketplaces, and you can find full-time and part-time envelope-stuffing jobs. You can also find other real opportunities on online platforms like LinkedIn, Upwork, and Shiftgig, where the job is announced as a home mailer, and you can find legitimate envelope stuffing jobs.

Why You Should Consider Filling Envelopes As a Side Hustle?

An envelope-stuffing job has several advantages that might appeal to you.

  • Minimum educational requirements: Your main job is to stuff printed material into envelopes and send them out to make extra cash. So, as long as you have a high school diploma or an equivalent degree, you’ll be fit for the job.
  • Ease: This task is suitable for beginners because it requires no special experience.
  • Learning opportunity: Depending on the industry you’re working in, you’ll get to work with experienced professionals and learn more about several industries.

Problems With Filling Envelopes

Despite being an easy job, there are a few drawbacks to working in filling envelopes.

  • Low income: You shouldn’t expect to make lots of money by filling and sending envelopes. So, to achieve your financial goals, you should consider other alternatives to envelope stuffing.
  • Fewer job opportunities: Many companies have automated this job, so fewer offers are available.
  • Scams: Some job ads can be scams by illegitimate companies that push people to buy special mailing and labeling equipment via an upfront payment or steal their credit card details. So you should do some research before agreeing to a contract.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions that people ask about this job.

Is Stuffing Envelopes a Real Job?

This is a legitimate job in many industries, and you can find part-time or full-time entry jobs involving other administrative duties. But it doesn’t pay well, so you’ll have to handle vast amounts of work to earn a decent income.

How Does Stuffing Envelopes Work?

You should organize the material to be mailed and fill corresponding envelopes with this material.

Then, you should seal the envelopes and send them to a predetermined list of recipients on a mailing list. You might have to add mailing labels or take the envelopes to the post office.

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