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Tired Of Working? Here’s Why [and What to Do Next]

Is your job starting to get to you?

Almost everyone, even people who love their jobs, reaches a point where they’re tired or burned out.

Your first step is to figure out what is bothering you so much about your job.

That’ll help you decide what to do next – take steps to make your job better or cut your losses and move on to another workplace or career.

Let’s dive into why you’re tired of working, what causes work fatigue, and your next steps to becoming happier with your career.

What Is Work Fatigue?

According to the CDC, work fatigue is a feeling of tiredness associated with working at unconventional times and conventions.

It may also be caused by a stressful or mundane working environment.

Why You’re Feeling Tired of Working

There are many reasons why you may feel tired of working.

It’s often a combination of the reasons below.


Stress can make it difficult to do anything, especially getting up and going to work.

If your workplace is a stressful environment, it can lead to work fatigue.

Stress in your personal life can also bleed into your motivation for working.

Health Problems

When your body is at less than 100%, work can be incredibly draining.

Even if you’re doing a desk job, being sick can make everything feel much more difficult.

Not Getting the Support You Need

When you don’t feel supported by your boss, coworkers, or both, your work environment can become toxic.

The stress of trying to do your job in this environment can lead to a lack of energy and passion for your job.

Overwhelmed With Work

Do you feel like your company asks you to do more than you can manage during the workday?

If you’re taking home extra work and not being compensated, you’ll eventually get fatigued and resentful.


Burnout is a special type of work fatigue.

You feel physically and mentally drained and it’s usually the result of combined factors like dissatisfaction with your job and an unpleasant work environment.

What Are the Symptoms of Burnout?

Burnout presents itself both emotionally and physically.

Below are some of the most common symptoms.

Reduced Performance

When you first started your job, you may have been enthusiastic, giving 110% every day.

Once you start to feel burnout, that level drops drastically.

You no longer have the energy to give it your all.

Reduced Productivity

When you aren’t putting in the effort at your job, your productivity will drop.

You may be distracted or simply not working as much.

When your productivity drops, others are likely to notice.


Burnout can lead to physical exhaustion.

On a mental level, you know that you need to be working harder, but your body simply isn’t responding.

You feel heavy and everything feels like it takes more effort than it should.


You may become detached from your job.

At one point, you likely felt that the work you were doing was important.

After experiencing burnout, you may start to wonder about your purpose and if anything you do makes a difference.

You may no longer feel like an integral part of your company.

Feeling Like a Failure

Even if you’re having trouble caring, when your performance and productivity are low, then you feel like a failure.

You get caught in a negative feedback loop as failure leads to more failure.

Negative Outlook

With everything seeming to go wrong and no end inside, your attitude towards your job (and maybe other parts of your life) will suffer.

You may have trouble seeing any potential solutions to your problem and feel that things will only get worse.

Getting Annoyed at Every Little Thing

When you’re in a state of burnout, even minor things seem major.

You’re likely to get annoyed every time you’re asked to do something and whenever you have to interact with your coworkers.

Psychiatrist discusses work burnout and fatigue symptoms 

Should You Quit Your Job if It Is Affecting Your Mental Health?

Is hating your job a good enough reason to quit?

Quitting your job is a big decision that can have both positive and negative consequences.

You need to carefully consider what’s behind your problems with your job.

Ask yourself if there’s any way to make things better at your job.

Has it become so toxic that there’s nothing you can do?

When to Quit Your Job When You Have Work Fatigue

If you’ve done everything you can to improve your work situation and are still suffering, it may be time to quit.

A job isn’t worth your mental health.

You should be working to live and if your job is interfering with that, you’re missing your purpose.

What To Do If You’re Tired of Working

If you’re tired of working, don’t just wait for it to get better.

Be proactive and make changes where you can.

Figure Out the Root of the Problem

The first step is to figure out why you’re tired of working.

Is it something with you or your personal life?

Is it something intrinsic to your workplace or your industry?

You’ll need to understand the problem before attempting to solve it.

Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you feel like you’re being given too much work or the work is out of your skillset, your boss should be able to offer some guidance.

They may be able to lighten your load, change up your assignments, or help you through your tasks.  

Change Up Your Diet

What you eat has a significant effect on your attitude and your physical well-being.

If your diet is mostly composed of fats and sugars, you may have mood swings and feel lethargic.

Eating a healthy diet can make a huge change in your attitude.

You’ll also have more energy for your job and still be able to enjoy other parts of your life.

Try Self-Care

No matter how little time you have, be sure to carve out time for yourself.

Self-care looks different for everyone – it can be a bike ride, massage, or seeing a movie.

Do whatever gives you life and makes you feel better.

More Work-Life Balance

You’re going to experience burnout if you’re giving your job much more than you’re giving your personal life.

Make time for your family and friends.

Set times to work, and don’t let it interfere with your relationships.

Reconnect With Your Motivation

Try to remember why you started your job or career in the first place.

What motivated and excited you?

Try to see if you can reconnect with that feeling.

Remind yourself of the bigger picture instead of getting bogged down in the minutiae.

Take More Breaks

Allowing yourself time away from your job gives you a chance to recharge.

Take breaks as often as you can and spend that time focusing on things that give you peace.

Reflect on Your Career Path

Focus on what you’re hoping to gain in the long run.

Is your job a stepping stone onto something bigger and better?

You may be able to manage it if you have a goal in mind.

How to Fix Your Burnout Without Quitting Your Job

Quitting isn’t always the solution to burnout.

Sometimes you can take steps to make your job more manageable.

Get Professional Help

If you feel that your mental health is at the center of your burnout, then it’s time to speak with a professional.

A therapist can help you sort out the problem and get back on track at your job.

Speak to Your Supervisor

Your supervisor is there to help you.

If you’re experiencing burnout, talk to them.

They may be able to lighten your workload, switch up some of your tasks, or help you in some other way.

They want you to be happy and successful.

Take a Vacation

Sometimes getting away can help counteract the symptoms of burnout.

Go somewhere you love or have always wanted to visit and spend a few days not thinking about work at all.

Set Boundaries

If your work life is seeping over into your personal time, you need to set boundaries.

If you’re asked to take on something extra and you’re already swamped, you can say no.

Your company needs to respect your time outside of work.

Understand Your Limits

Sometimes we don’t stop until we’re way in over our heads or the damage is done.

Learn your burnout symptoms and how to tell when they’re coming on.

You’ll be able to take measures before you’ve exceeded your limit.

Become More Selfish

There’s nothing wrong with being a little selfish.

Say no sometimes, especially if you are already starting to feel over.

Do things for yourself.

You’re allowed to have a life outside your job.

Work on Your Relationships With Your Coworkers

Sometimes a mundane job can be made better if you have close relationships with coworkers.

Strengthen your friendships, and your coworkers may be able to help you when you have challenges at your job.

How Do You Make a Living Without Working a 9 to 5 Job?

Do you hate spending the majority of your day working?

Here are a few jobs you can try that don’t require regular hours.

Many are part of the gig economy, so you’ll be working for yourself.


If you have a skill like writing, graphic design, or digital marketing, you can consider freelancing.

Freelancing is a good option if you’ve been wanting to work for yourself.

You can work when you want from where you want.

Start a Company

Do you love your industry but disagree with how your company’s doing it?

Start your own company.

Running a company is the very definition of self-employed.

Hustle is required, but you have the potential to earn a lot and build something you’re proud of.

Try Restaurant Work

If you’re looking for a job that doesn’t require a lot upfront but gives you the option to do well in tips, you may consider restaurant work.

You’ll have time off, and you can leave your job at your job once you’re off the clock.

Try Rideshare Driving

Rideshare driving only requires a vehicle and a smartphone.

You can set your hours and often take on as little or as much work as you want.

Affiliate Marketing

With affiliate marketing, you use a website or social media to promote other companies’ products.

You get a commission when a user makes a purchase.

It can even become a source of passive income.

Cut Back to Part-Time

If your budget allows it, consider cutting back to part-time.

You’ll avoid burnout, and you can always find another money-making venture to work on during your time off.

How Do You Not Work Your Life Away?

Your job is vital – but it shouldn’t take over your life.

Here are some tips to ensure you don’t work your life away.

Schedule Lots of Breaks

If you’re the type who gets so caught up in your job that you lose track of time, you’ll need to schedule your breaks so that you actually take them.

Try to schedule breaks during the work day as often as you can.

Also, schedule days off when you can.

Take Vacations When You Can

Vacations are good for your mental health.

Travel as often as you can.

Even if you can only take a weekend trip or a staycation, you’ll have a much more positive outlook on working.

Schedule Family Time

Spending time with your family should be one of your top priorities.

If you’re neglecting your family for work, you will likely feel guilty, which can lead to burnout.

Make sure that you’re spending quality time with your loved ones regularly.

Listen to What Your Body Is Telling You

Your body will give you signals when things aren’t right.

When you start feeling physical symptoms like being tired for no reason, you’ll know it’s time to take a break.

Try to take some time for yourself before you’re utterly exhausted.

Set Strict Boundaries for Yourself

Achieving work-life balance is all about setting boundaries.

When you set boundaries and stick to them, your work is less likely to take over your life.

It’s best to set these boundaries early rather than later.

Pursue Fulfilling Experiences Outside of Work

If your job is less than satisfying, you may need to look outside work for fulfillment.

Finding a niche is critical if you want a meaningful life, and your calling may be outside work.

You may pursue a hobby, work with a charity, or start a side hustle.

Work Towards an End Goal

It’s crucial to set goals for your life and career.

Working toward those goals is a must.

Be sure your job pushes you toward your career goals while not keeping you from your personal goals.

Reflect and Readjust Regularly

Things don’t work forever.

Make it a habit to check in frequently to check you’re still happy with how things are going.

Make adjustments early before minor issues become problems.

Wrapping Up

If you’re tired of working, you don’t just have to accept your fate.

Stay aware of the signs of burnout to ensure you don’t get too bogged down.

If you’re unhappy with your position, it may be time to research a new career.

Your job shouldn’t rule your life.

Do you have any questions about getting tired of working or some experiences to share?

Leave a comment below.

Life is too short to be miserable in your job.

If you’re tired of working, then it’s time to make some changes until you’re happy with your job.

1 thought on “Tired Of Working? Here’s Why [and What to Do Next]”

  1. I’m tired of working, no matter what job I have I’m tired. It’s that we have to work our lives away. No retirement until 65 that’s a long time to be working and that’s a heavy burn out, just by the thought of having to work that long. Life is hard, it’s all about money that keeps us working. Only the rich people have it easy in life because, they don’t have to live check to check nor they don’t have to work. They have all the freedom in the world. Working people like us are struggling, no freedom, can’t enjoy life, waiting on paychecks. That’s why I hate working period, it’s endless. I get tired of working. All I really care about is enjoying like, I don’t care about working because it’s hard working a job and living check to check. Work takes up too much of our time in life. It’s tiresome and causes burn outs.


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