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How To Claim Instacart Free Delivery On Your Next Order

Learn how to get free Instacart delivery, exploring the methods, terms, and workings of free delivery options in this helpful guide.

How Can I Get Free Delivery on Instacart?

Free delivery on Instacart is available under certain conditions, even though each order typically includes a delivery fee ranging from $3.99 to $7.99.

To get free delivery, customers can use specific promotions or become members of Instacart’s subscription service, which offers free delivery on orders above a certain amount.

1. Instacart 3 Free Delivery Promotion

Using the 3 Free Delivery Promotion gives you free delivery on your first three orders!

You can only use this promotion with one retailer per order, and you’ll need to spend at least $10. It also expires after 14 days of the first order.

To get this promotion, simply fill your cart and receive your free delivery upon checkout!

2. Sign up for Instacart+

screenshot of the Instacart+ sales page

Another easy way to get free delivery with Instacart is to sign up for their Instacart+ subscription.

With Instacart+, you’ll get unlimited free delivery on orders over $35, as well as lots of other savings!

The only downside is that you’ll need to pay for the subscription, which costs either $9.99/month or $99/year. But if you’re a frequent Instacart user, it could be a great way to save money!

3. Give and use referral codes or discounts from friends

Did you know you can get free credit from getting your friends to use Instacart?

When you refer your friends, they’ll receive a $40 credit that they can use across two orders. Once their delivery is complete, you’ll receive a $10 credit in return.

Unfortunately, this offer doesn’t give you free delivery. However, it still takes money off your order, which makes it as cheap as free delivery!

4. Shop from stores with free delivery offers

Some retailers on Instacart offer promotions that let you save money when you shop with them. One of these promotions can be free delivery!

Look through the Instacart promotion page to find stores currently offering free delivery. Keep an eye out for the ones with ‘delivery’ underneath.

5. Look for promotional codes and coupons

And lastly, keep your eyes peeled for free delivery promos! Like many other delivery services, Instacart sometimes offers free delivery promotions.

To find out about these promotions, you can either follow Instacart online or subscribe to their newsletter. Another option is to scour the web for promo codes and coupons.

What Are Instacart’s Terms for Free Delivery?

Now that we’ve discussed the different ways you can get free delivery, let’s discuss the fine print. Instacart has some terms you’ll need to meet to qualify for free delivery.

Firstly, you’ll need to make sure you reach the minimum basket spend. Some promos require you to have spent a certain amount to qualify for free delivery. For example, Instacart+ needs a $35 minimum, while first-order fee is $10.

Next, there are some limits on how you can use free delivery. Instacart only allows for one offer per household, and you must place your order with only one retail location.

Furthermore, service fees, special handling fees, and other taxes will still apply to your order. Orders containing alcohol that use free delivery will still incur a $0.01 Alcohol Service Fee.

Lastly, some free delivery promotions will expire. Make sure you check the date and don’t miss the deadline!

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